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Vision Partnership

Members of the Unifour Childrens Sight steering group held its May meeting in
the conference room of the Good Samaritan Clinic along with guest Curtis
Erickson. Curtis attended our meeting to do a demonstration of the Spot camera
by Welch Alyan so the group could compare it features to the PluOptix which we
now use.
During our business meeting and demonstration, we paused to visit Dr Winesett
at work in the Good Samaritan Vision examination room. The examination room
was the result of the partnership formed between the Unifour Childrens Sight
program and the Good Samaritan Clinic. In 2022 the Clinic came to a children’s
screening at the Enola Head Start day care asking for our assistance in completing
their vision examination room. Well, through a sharing of both our organization’s
resources the clinic exam room was opened in early May and has now completed
two screening days in which twenty-four patients were examined and eighteen
prescriptions filled using the Essilor program. The partnership is testimony that
when good people work together there is no limit to what can be accomplished.
Benefits that have came into place for both organizations due to the partnership
are such that neither could have achieved on their own. The Unifour Childrens
Sight program now has access to the Clinic’s mobile screening unit for outside
screenings along with access to the Clinic’s free examination room. Also, with
sponsoring the Essilor program we also have a backup source for glasses if the
need arises. The Good Samaritan Clinic now has it’s completed examination room
along with the Essilor program for its patients’ glasses at no cost and a volunteer
group to help conduct on site field vision triage screenings at night.
Our programs crossed paths not by accident but because a power far greater had
his hand on our shoulder leading us to “Serve Others”. So, I encourage the Lions of
District 31L to step forward and join the KidSight screening program and serve the
children of our community. There is no excuse you can offer for not joining, all the
tools have been laid out for you, all is lacking is your willingness to serve others.
Wayne Houser
Unifour Childrens Sight